Salafism & Traditionalism: A Personal Transition

Note –

Traditionalism: The idea that Islam should be interpreted and implemented according to the understanding developed by the 4 Schools of Law (Madhabs), 2-3 Schools of Creed and 4 Schools of Tasawwuf. The methodology which muslims are using since years generations to generation (Isnad) should carry on i.e. learning and practicing Islam by following (Taglid) the principles and rulings of the traditional madhahibs.

Salafism (Purist Salafism/Shaykh Albani’s Approach): The Methodology of following Quran and Sunnah directly, bypassing the interpretation of traditional Schools. Ahadith and Quran can be easily interpreted by anyone and they are clear enough to not leave any room for differences of opinions existing in the Madhahibs. This manhaj also claims that following the traditional schools leads to blind following of their scholars hence one should directly read and practice the Ahadith through their own itihad as a Sahih Hadith invalidates all the Traditional Fiqhi rulings which go against the apparent meaning of a Sahih Hadith.

End note – if it’s claimed that the correct Salafism is also through the right Scholars. Then again, why would i prefer the 4-5 Salafi Scholars of 20th Century over the Linked (Isnaad) Scholarship of the last 1400 Years.

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